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Flights and transportation - STAVANGER

Planning for your arrival at the airport
There is no government air travel available to Stavanger so you must travel via commercial means. Have your losing Transportation Office arrange your travel to the Stavanger Airport. It will also be listed as Sola-Sea Airport (Stavanger City). From there your sponsor will meet you and ensure you are transported to your hotel.

Other Transport Options
If your sponsor is unable to pick you up you can use the airport shuttle which is right outside the terminal doors. It is called SAS Flybussen. The bus drivers speak English and can help you get to your hotel. The cost of a bus ticket is 60NOK. You may also take one of the available taxis which are right outside the terminal as well.

If you have any complications you may contact the transportation office here at: Commercial: 011 47 5195 0572  /74 or DSN: 224-0572/74.