CMSgt Terrance D. Boyd is the Command Chief Master Sergeant, 501st Combat Support Wing, headquartered at Royal Air Force Fairford, United Kingdom. He advises the wing commander on all issues affecting the combat readiness, professional development and effective utilization of personnel assigned to 9 installations and sites throughout the United Kingdom and Norway. These geographically separated units consist of military and U.S. civilian personnel with diverse missions that include the operation and maintenance of a bomber forward operating location, communications access site, as well as providing support to the joint environment of European and Africa Command personnel who provide the analysis of intelligence data.
Chief Boyd hails from Porterville, Mississippi and enlisted in the Air Force in September 2001 as an Electrical System Apprentice. Throughout his career, Chief Boyd has served in various roles at the squadron, group, and major command levels including as a Military Training Leader, Civil Engineer Inspection Manager for Air Mobility Command, and Chief of Academic Development for the Community College of the Air Force. Before assuming his current position, he served as the Senior Enlisted Leader for the 48th Mission Support Group, Royal Air Force Lakenheath.
2005 Airmen Leadership School, Osan Air Base (AB), Korea
2010 Military Training Leader Course, Lackland Air Force Base (AFB), Texas
2011 Associate in Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2011 Associate in Education & Training Management, CCAF, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2011 Bachelor of Science, Organizational Management, Ashford University, Iowa
2011 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Level I by correspondence
2011 Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Keesler AFB, Miss.
2012 Professional Manager Certification, CCAF, Gunter Annex, Ala.
2016 Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Gunter Annex, Ala.
2016 Inspector General Course, Air Force Inspection Agency, Kirtland AFB, N.M.
2017 Master of Business Administration & Project Management, Columbia Southern University, Ala.
2017 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Level II by correspondence.
1. July 2002-July 2004, Electrical Systems Apprentice, 31st Civil Engineer Squadron, Aviano AB, Italy (November 2003-March 2004, Electrical Systems Apprentice, 1st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, Al Udeid AB, Qatar)
2. July 2004-July 2005, Electrical System Journeyman, 51st Civil Engineer Squadron, Osan AB, Republic of South Korea
3. July 2005-July 2006, Electrical System Journeyman, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron, Kadena AB, Okinawa Japan
4. July 2006-September 2007, Group Staff, 18th Civil Engineer Group, Kadena AB, Okinawa Japan
5. September 2007-January 2010, Electrical Systems Craftsman, 7th Civil Engineer Squadron, Dyess AFB, Texas (September 2008-April 2009, Electrical Lead, 554th Expeditionary RED HORSE Squadron, Afghanistan & Iraq)
6. January 2010-December 2011, Military Training Leader, 336th Training Squadron, Keesler AFB, Miss.
7. January 2012-December 2012, Military Training Leader, 81st Training Group, Keesler AFB, Miss.
8. January 2013-December 2013, Flight Chief/Interim First Sergeant, Military Training, 334th Training Squadron, Keesler AFB, Miss.
9. December 2013-June 2016, Section Chief, Operation Engineering & Facility Systems, 375th Civil Engineer Squadron, Scott AFB, Ill. (January 2015-July 2015, Operations Superintendent, 405th Civil Engineer Squadron, Thumrait AB, Oman)
10. June 2016-December 2016, Command Civil Engineer Inspection Manager, Air Mobility Command Inspector General’s Inspections Division, Scott AFB, Ill.
11. December 2016-July 2019, Chief of Academic Operations, Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala. (April 2018-November 2018, Operations Superintendent, 332nd Civil Engineer Squadron, Undisclosed Location)
12. July 2019-January 2020, Interim Superintendent, 42nd Mission Support Group, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala.
13. January 2020-June 2021, Superintendent, 48th Civil Engineer Squadron, RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
14. June 2021-July 2023, Senior Enlisted Leader, 48th Mission Support Group, RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
15. July 2023-Present, Command Chief, 501st Combat Support Wing, RAF Fairford, United Kingdom
Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters
Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster
Army Achievement Medal
2012 Air Education & Training Command Lance P. Sijan Recipient
2014 375th Mission Support Group Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year
2017 Barnes Center for Enlisted Education Lance P. Sijan Recipient
2020 48th Civil Engineer Squadron, Air Force Outstanding Civil Engineer Large Unit
Airman Basic Sept. 14, 2001
Airman Nov. 5, 2001
Airman First Class Feb. 1, 2002
Senior Airman Jan. 14, 2004
Staff Sergeant Aug. 1, 2005
Technical Sergeant June 1, 2010
Master Sergeant July 1, 2013
Senior Master Sergeant Feb. 1, 2017
Chief Master Sergeant Nov.1, 2019