Total Force Airmen advance 423rd CS mission Published Dec. 7, 2018 By Senior Airman Chase Sousa Public Affairs RAF ALCONBURY, United Kingdom -- The 423rd Communications Squadron received manpower assistance and extra support from the 193rd Special Operations Wing from July to November. The assistance helped improve efficiency and coverage throughout the 423rd CS. “This has been a very positive symbiotic relationship, as a traditional guardsman this has allowed for more consistent training and job experience on equipment and processes than I normally receive with my unit,” said Staff Sgt. Cecelia Slough, 193rd SOW/CS. “We were able to provide alternative solutions and compare procedures for efficiency and possible improvements.” The Total Force guard and active duty environment gave each side an opportunity to learn how each organization learns and shares specialty knowledge. “We were able to get different perspectives on how different units operate and learn from each other,” said Tech. Sgt. Robert Hartley, 193rd SOW cyber security liaison. “There was no improving just one side, we were able to improve each other by the knowledge that we shared between each other.” The partnership between the 193rd SOW and 423rd CS enabled additional manpower to complete the 501st Combat Support Wing’s mission of enabling command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and strike operations in support of U.S. and NATO objectives. “The 423d is by far the best active unit that I have been lucky to be a part of,” said Hartley. “You do not usually see an active unit as close as the 423d are. This is the best leadership that I've been around throughout my 20 years in.”