Pathfinders ready for third-party inspections on base housing

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Aaron Thomasson
  • 501 CSW/PA

The 501st Combat Support Wing is set to support a significant, DoD-wide initiative aimed at enhancing the quality and safety of military housing facilities. The initiative requires a full inspection of the Wing's privatized and government-owned housing units. 
Over the next four weeks, certified home inspectors will evaluate each housing unit. These inspections will cover various aspects, including interiors, building systems, common areas, exteriors, equipment, drainage, and landscaping. The goal is to identify and correct any health and safety issues. Each inspection should take roughly two hours.
“Everyone in the 501st is committed to maintaining high living standards for Pathfinders and our families,” said Colonel Valarie Long, 423d Air Base Group commander. “These inspections will provide leaders at every level with the data they need to accomplish these goals.”
For residents of military housing, the 422d and 423d housing offices will play a crucial role in coordinating the inspections, and your active participation is crucial to the success of this initiative. This is a unique opportunity to enhance the living conditions of Pathfinders who live in military housing. Residents should plan to be present for the duration of the inspection.
For residents of RAF Alconbury, inspections will run from Jan. 22 to Feb. 3. For residents of RAF Croughton and Fairford, inspections will run from Feb. 12 to Feb. 23. To schedule an inspection, go to