420th ABS Air Transportation team elevates mission readiness

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Jessica Avallone
  • 501 CSW/PA
At their core, Air Transportation specialists are responsible for securely managing cargo and passengers. They ensure that everything and everyone on a military aircraft is transported safely and quickly. From food and medical supplies to helicopters and ground vehicles, they get valuable assets where they need to be.
The 501st Combat Support Wing (CSW) and 420th Air Base Squadron (ABS) currently do not have billets for Air Transportation (2T2X1) personnel. However, with the help of the Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) Man-Day Program the 420th ABS Logistics Readiness Flight secured four highly skilled members from the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard.
“We’re all coming with the same qualifications so we’re all filling the same roles,” said U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Lazerus Wooten, 420th ABS air operations chief. “Those roles include Joint Inspect (JI) of any cargo and the redeployment of Bomber Task Force (BTF) and 99th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron (ERS).”
Previously when 2T2X1 support was needed the method was to secure an Air Trans team through a higher headquarters request via Temporary Duty Assignments.
“These were ‘just in time’ solutions to airlift requirements,” said Mr. Joseph W. Browning, 420th ABS Logistics Readiness Flight chief. “The folks we have now are stationed here for the next year and provide better continuity of operations.”
The MPA Man-Day Program allows Guard and Reserve members to support an active-duty mission. Each tour lasts 365 days, but with approved funding can be extended one year at time with a maximum of three years per member.
“Being here allows the wing to support Bomber Task Forces (BTF), Agile Combat Employment (ACE) exercises, the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), and any forward deployments of the 99th ERS without having to contact USAFE to source personnel like they have in the past,” said Wooten. “The team is made up of two MSgts and two TSgts with 14 deployments between us which brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience.”
Since the team arrived, they aided in the success of BTF 25-1 which included operations with four U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortresses, processing 200 deployed members and a joint inspection of 206,445 lbs. of cargo. Future projects include upgrading equipment.
“We are currently in contract to purchase a set of highline docks to streamline our process of inspecting, uploading, and downloading multi-pallet trains,” said Wooten.
“It’s been wonderful having them here,” said Browning. “We have a very experienced team who allow us to build consistency in supporting airlift operations. Previously, we would get different Air Trans teams from USAFE & AMC for short-duration missions. Now we have a team that will grow here, develop long-term processes and enable organizational learning.”
The utilization of the MPA Man-Day Program and the support of four highly skilled Air Trans members continues to solidify RAF Fairford as Europe’s premiere forward bomber base and the 501st as the go-to unit for European theater BTF support.