Every time people download an application, the developers are able to see some of their personal information. It could be as simple as your name, or as in depth as your address book, social media account information, physical location or even your photos.
So what can you do? Apple iOS apps are required to ask for your permission to access contacts, location, accounts and microphone functions. These permissions can be granted or revoked from the iOS Settings privacy section. Unfortunately, Android users must explore third-party controllers to manage app permissions, since application-permission management is not an official featured offered on Android devices.
Whether you manage a digital farm, crush some candy, launch enraged birds at pigs or even enjoy word challenges with friends, chances are your social media accounts are linked to a multitude of third-party applications. Many of these apps may be useful and legitimate - however, they all can be used as a way for hackers to gain access to your social media accounts. A regular audit of all authorized apps and services can ensure your online profiles stay safe and secure.
Each social media platform has its own way to manage applications. For Instagram, click "Edit Profile," select "Manage Applications" and choose the "Revoke Access" option next to any app you don't recognize or use. |