AF announces no involuntary force management programs for FY15 Published Dec. 22, 2014 WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials announced there is no longer a need to conduct involuntary force management programs for fiscal year 2015 following a year of significant reductions designed to meet the Defense Department strategic and budgetary guidance. Officials confirmed that fiscal year 2014 goals were achieved to size and shape the force, eliminating the previously anticipated requirement to conduct a second round of involuntary programs in fiscal year 2015. "My travels and discussion with Airmen this past year have convinced me that enough is enough," said Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James. "Therefore, we will not have additional, involuntary boards in FY15." Targeted fiscal year 2015 voluntary programs, with eligibility limited by both grade and Air Force specialty codes, will be offered to help properly shape the force. These non-monetary opportunities are part of the normal steady-state force management programs used annually to size and shape the force according to mandated end strength. Voluntary programs will include waivers of some active-duty service commitments (ADSC), reductions of required time in grade for retirements, and reductions from 10 to eight years of commissioned service for retirements, allowing prior enlisted officers to retire with eight years of commissioned time versus 10. The Palace Chase program will still be in place, but the expanded option of a one-for-one transfer will not be available this year. Specific details on voluntary programs will be released in early 2015. "I'm really pleased we'll be able to offer our dedicated Airmen a break this year," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III. "Throughout this difficult process we committed to providing information to our Airmen and families early so they could make decisions. Announcing the FY15 programs now continues that commitment and provides some of the stability Airmen truly deserve." For more information on force management and other personnel programs, visit the myPers.