Enlisted attaché duty applications due in November Published Oct. 23, 2014 By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Active duty staff sergeants through senior master sergeants interested in attaché duty can apply for assignment opportunities with international affairs teams around the world, but to be considered, those interested must submit their applications by Nov. 14, Air Force officials announced Oct. 22. The Air Force Personnel Center and secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs are accepting applications for operations coordinator and operations NCO defense attaché specialist duty, with selectees reporting for duty between February 2015 and January 2016, according to AFPC assignments officials. Duties for those selected will include managing logistics and administrative support, executing budget requirements, working clearances, supervising foreign national staff and direct support for distinguished guest visits. Attaché personnel represent the Air Force to host nation government officials and are charged with developing and maintaining harmonious and cooperative relationships between the U.S. Air Force and the host nation air force. Attaché duty is open to Airmen from any career field if they meet eligibility criteria, including the following: - Active duty staff, technical or master sergeant - Released from their assignment functional manager to compete for an attaché assignment - U.S. citizens and all immediate family members (parents, siblings, children, and spouse) must also be U.S. citizens All Airmen and accompanying family members must undergo a comprehensive physical examination and gain medical and educational clearance as part of the screening selection process. For more information, including any additional eligibility criteria and application procedures, go to myPers and select "search all components" from the drop down menu and enter "enlisted attaché duty" in the search window. In addition, information and application documents are available on the Air Force Portal. Go to portal and enter "attaché program" in the search window.