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  • 501st CSW hosts USSTRATCOM commander during BTF 25-2

    U.S. Air Force Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, U.S. Strategic Command commander, visited the 501st Combat Support Wing (CSW) for an immersion tour on RAF Fairford, England, Feb. 17, 2025. During his visit Gen. Cotton spoke with and recognized members of the 501st CSW and 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron as

  • 501st Combat Support Wing hosts BTF 25-2 at RAF Fairford

    U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers from Minot Air Force Base have arrived at RAF Fairford as part of a routine Bomber Task Force-Europe deployment, underscoring the U.S.’ shared commitment to regional security and NATO’s collective defense. As USAFE's only bomber-forward operating

  • 20th EBS & 420th MUNS team up for BTF 25-1

    Pathfinders from the 420th Munitions Squadron and deployed Airmen from the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron worked together to prepare, build and transport munitions during Bomber Task Force 25-1 at RAF Fairford, England, Nov. 14, 2024. These dedicated professionals provide a key component of the

  • 9th EBS arrives at RAF Fairford for BTF 23-3

    Two B-1B Lancers from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron arrived at RAF Fairford, United Kingdom, May 23, 2023 for Bomber Task Force Europe 23-3. Strategic bomber missions enhance the readiness necessary to respond to any potential crisis or challenge across the globe.

  • 426 ABS supports first-ever Air Force deployment to Norway

    The 426th Air Base Squadron supported the first ever U.S. B-1B Lancer deployment to Norway during a Bomber Task Force Europe mission. The logistics, ground transportation and legal teams provided support to approximately 200 Airmen and four B-1B aircraft assigned to the 7th Bomb Wing from Dyess Air

  • Bomber Task Force Europe

    Two B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers from the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, operating out of RAF Fairford, England, returned from flights over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, focused on integration and interoperability training with European allies and partners in the